Thank you for visiting my page. Preparing Fit and Easy food is always a priority when I'm planning meals!! ....and if I find a way to make it easier or a way to feed my soul at the same time, well... I just can't resist sharing!! So enjoy and share your fit and easy recipes and tips too!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Gratitude & Every Day Peace

In my search for the perfect recipe, I have been running, a lot, into the practice of gratitude in our everyday lives.  First through the "Secret" books series, through searches on weight loss and articles read there, it seems to be everywhere I look.  I do practice gratitude each day, and this practice is elemental to every day peace.  Something inside you calms when you begin to search within yourself, what am I grateful for today.  Even just saying the words to myself brings on a calming feeling.  A feeling of rightness, if that's a word, this is good, right and fulfilling.  I think to myself, "I am grateful for this house to take care of" when I don't want to do housework.  I forget that I don't want to clean and go to it with gratitude in my heart and thankfulness for the abundance that I am blessed with.  Such an easy way to destress and cultivate peace within ourselves.  So, why is it we do not reach for this powerful stress buster when we are in the throws of life?  Why do we not tap into gratitude when things go wrong, when your day has taken a turn for the worse?  Is it really easier to complain. 

My new years' resolution the last few years has been to stop complaining.  I have made some strides in this area.  But it takes practice.  I'm still working on it.  A boost in this area came along the last few days.  I've been frantically trying to lose the extra weight I've gained since I turned 42.  These pounds are stubborn, these fat cells grow at a certain time of month and seem to calm (a little) at others.  I did a webinar last night regarding female fat loss from Jade Teta and the people at Metabolic Effect.  It showed hormonal graphs and strategies for eating.  Apparently diet and what time of the month you eat have a lot to do with how we store fat.  But, they began to talk about stress and being at peace with your life.  I realized this is what I've been searching for.  I realized GRATITUDE is the doorway to this peace and de-stressing I so long to find.  Having this peace, the webinar suggested, can get you to your weight loss goals. 

So often in life we run from thing to thing, complaining about being tired, not being motivated, about the dog our spouses and significant others, the darned car needs gas AGAIN.  I catch myself saying "I dont' feel like going to the grocery store." 

I picked up the most recent copy of The Magic, the last in The Secret books series.  It is ALL ABOUT the practice of gratitude.  I bought it a while back and put off reading the brief, every day, chapters.  I think I am about 5 days into the practice.  I am renewed to begin the practice again.  I am thankful for this blog, every one of you reading this, my fingers to type with, my eyes to see with, lungs to breath with, the dogs bad breath (she's panting behind me), my computer, my office, the sunshine, the rain, my thoughts, green tea, cornbread, garlic, mozorrella cheese, crab meat, bread from Fresh Market.  Somehow I knew it would rotate back around to food.  Food for thought, gratitude, practice every day and thank you all... for reading.  hugs, me

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