Thank you for visiting my page. Preparing Fit and Easy food is always a priority when I'm planning meals!! ....and if I find a way to make it easier or a way to feed my soul at the same time, well... I just can't resist sharing!! So enjoy and share your fit and easy recipes and tips too!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Good Saturday Morning Chicken Arugula Omlet!

Good Saturday Morning to everybody!
Today I created a simple omlet for breakfast that is high in protein, low in fat and high in nutrients.  The theory is that if you eat more protein packed meals that this will keep you from snacking in between meals.  This is the theory that I read about all the time.  Keeping the portion small, but adding as much protein in as you can and minimizing fat.  Protein will "stay with" you longer.  At any rate.  This morning I looked in the fridge and realized I had some leftover chicken breast from making chicken soup for a friend who had surgery yesterday.  So I had cubed the leftover chicken and put it in a zip lock bag in the fridge for future use, I think I'll use this in my omlet.

2 eggs beaten and water added for fluffiness
just a 1/2 handful of the chicken I saved
a pinch of cheddar cheese for some flavor and I do mean a pinch.  More will take over your omlet.
1/2 cup of arugula
Splatter of Texas Pete on top!

Beat the eggs and pour into a preheated nonstick frying pan.  Add the chick, then the cheese and then the arugula, cook about 1-2 minutes and fold over. 

I always like to eat some sort of fruit with breakfast.  Whatever I have on hand.  This week's grocery store pick up that looked good was oranges!  Enjoy!! 
****Be back later with the last of the Skillet Pizzas!!

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