Thank you for visiting my page. Preparing Fit and Easy food is always a priority when I'm planning meals!! ....and if I find a way to make it easier or a way to feed my soul at the same time, well... I just can't resist sharing!! So enjoy and share your fit and easy recipes and tips too!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Herb Garden

I am putting in a new garden this year and I'm expanding my herb garden.  My herb garden is a little far from the house and kitchen in the yard, so I've decided this year to make a new herb garden outside the kitchen door on the deck.  I will be assembling this over the next two weekends and I'll post some pictures.  If you like, you can join in.  Below is a list of the herbs I'm including along with some notes.  I like to pick out different terra cotta pots, we live near Seagrove NC, the pottery capital of the US, so I will visit there also to pick up some new pots to add to my collection.

Thyme - thyme is a perennial, very good for chicken dishes, potato dishes and as an "add in" while cooking pastas, green beans, zucchini, onions.

Lemon Thyme - basically same as regular flavor thyme.
Oregano - a perennial, grows like a week in a "running, viney" fashion.
Parsley Italian Flat Leaf - parsley seems to always get eaten by monarch butterfly larvea, I have a hard time keeping this growing without it getting eaten!!!
Basil - Lots of basil - an annual, so you have to replant every year.  Good for everything!
Dill - An annual also, which gets eaten a lot, but if you time it right you can harvest prior to it getting eaten!!!
Sweet Bay - I found some really nice sweet bay leaf plants, small, so I'll get young tender leaves to dry.  Sweet bay is a perennial shrub! 

I'll add some pics later today also!!  xoxo gotta get going.

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