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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Create Instead of React

Learning to create during, instead of reacting to, life's situations is mastery.  I have seen it.  A person I admire, in a sticky situation, is able to remove themselves, become part of the universe, create a solution to a problem, or challenging situation, all while remaining calm and in themselves.  No loss of self, no self loathing or emotionality and keeping self in tact.

I sometimes feel like a blubbering idiot instead of who I really am in some situations, all because I cannot create this person in the particular circumstance or situation.  Usually a circumstance that is close to my heart, where I've been repeatedly disrespected, or I'm being asked to do something more than I was originally planning on doing.  I tend to react, fall apart, then end up picking the pieces of myself up so I can go to bed and sleep off the crumble. 

Picture a version of you looking in on a recent past, sticky situation from above, through a skylight in the ceiling of the room.  How would you create a new self to handle the situation?  Who would you create within yourself to approach the situation in a positive manner. 

Find Elizabeth Gilbert BIG MAGIC here

After the reaction, I look down through the skylight and see someone I don't know, someone I'm not sure I want to know or claim to be myself.  It is disheartening.  All the while I know that inside me lies the calm, mature person who wants to create a way to handle the situation in the way I envision it being handled.  Calmly, in a positive manner and with a direction pointed towards amnesty.

I was just reading on Facebook and ran across an Elizabeth Gilbert post, an excerpt follows:
"If we try to see things with the most generous eyes—searching for the truth, yes, but then bestowing upon that truth the brightest and kindest interpretation—we can learn how to perceive a more beautiful world. Do that, and I promise you this: You will get to live in one." 

Perceive and Create that world, the power lies within ourselves!  Elizabeth Gilbert is awesome read more...

Read more:

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